Shelly devices are great for your smart home as they integrate to about anything!
Here is a nice little guide to configure and get your device up and running.

Step 1 – connect and find the device access point
- After connecting your SHELLY device according to the connection schema, it creates its’ own WIFI Access Point.
- In order to connect to it, use a smartphone and switch to a WIFI network called something like shellyx-xxxxxx
- If you don’t see the network, you need to reset the device. That is done by powering off and on again, then you have one minute to click 5 individual times on the reset button on the device until the relay will trigger itself.
Step 2 – download the shelly app and register/login
- Download the SHELLY app and register / login, you can scan this barcode or search for “Shelly” at the app store / play store.

Step 3 – add and configure the device
Choose “Add device” from the app menu on the top right corner.
Enter your WIFI SSID and password, it’s important to use ONLY 2.4 GHZ networks and not 5GHZ

If you see this screen – you will need to manually connect to the device WIFI access point network in order to discover the device.

If the process was successful, you will see this message:

After about 30 seconds, you should see the new device listed on “Discovered devices”
Enter the discovered devices and choose the device you want to include in your account.
Enter a device name, a room, optionally an icon/picture.

That’s it! You can now configure your device to work according to your needs.
For further instructions, please see this user guid (for Shelly1 but the process is the same for other devices)-
You can do many things like using MQTT or simply HTTP calls, all explained in the official documentation:
Or visit Shelly official website here – https://shelly.cloud/