In the world of media servers, automation is key. The ability to automatically download and organize media saves time and effort, and allows you to focus on enjoying your content rather than managing it. This is where tools like Overserr come in.

Overserr is a web-based app that allows you to monitor and manage your media server’s Sonarr, Radarr, and Lidarr instances in one place. It provides a unified dashboard that displays the status of your media downloads, along with other important information like upcoming releases and disk space usage.

Here are some of the main features of Overserr:

  1. Monitors Multiple Libraries: Overserr can monitor multiple libraries, including those managed by Sonarr, Radarr, and Lidarr, all in one place.
  2. Notification System: The application has a customizable notification system that can alert users when new content is added to their libraries or when a download fails.
  3. Search and Discovery: Overserr has a search and discovery system that can help users find new content to add to their media libraries.
  4. User Management: Overserr supports user management, allowing multiple users to access the application with different roles and permissions.
  5. Web-based UI: Overserr has a user-friendly web-based UI that provides an easy-to-use interface for monitoring and managing media libraries.
  6. Integration with Popular Media Servers: Overserr integrates with popular media servers such as Plex, Jellyfin, Emby, and others, allowing for a seamless media management experience.

Overall, Overserr is a feature-rich application that simplifies the process of managing media libraries. Its integration with popular media servers and customizable notification system make it an excellent tool for those who want to stay up-to-date with their favorite movies and TV shows.

You can install Overserr through Docker and manually.

Installing Overserr through Docker

  1. Install Docker: If you haven’t already installed Docker on your system, you’ll need to do so before proceeding with Overserr installation. You can download Docker for your operating system from the official Docker website.
  2. Create a Configuration Directory: Before you can start Overserr with Docker, you need to create a directory to store the application’s configuration files. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:
    mkdir -p /path/to/config

    Replace “/path/to/config” with the location where you want to store the configuration files.

  3. Create a Downloads Directory: You also need to create a directory where Overserr can access your media server downloads. Run the following command in your terminal:
    mkdir -p /path/to/downloads

    Replace “/path/to/downloads” with the location where your media server downloads files.

  4. Run the Docker Command: With your configuration and downloads directories in place, you can start Overserr with Docker. Run the following command in your terminal:
    docker run -d \
    --name=overserr \
    -p 3000:3000 \
    -v /path/to/config:/app/config \
    -v /path/to/downloads:/downloads \
    -e TZ=timezone \

    Replace “/path/to/config” and “/path/to/downloads” with the directories you created in steps 2 and 3. You should also replace “timezone” with your system’s timezone, for example, “America/Los_Angeles”. This will ensure that Overserr displays accurate time information.

  5. Access the Web Interface: Once the Overserr container is running, you can access the web interface by opening a web browser and navigating to “http://localhost:3000“. From here, you can start configuring the application and connect it with your media server applications.

Connecting Sonarr and Radarr:

  1. Retrieve the API Key: In order to connect Overserr with Sonarr and Radarr, you’ll need to retrieve the API key for each application. This key is used to authenticate Overserr’s requests to Sonarr and Radarr. To find your API key, open Sonarr or Radarr in your web browser and navigate to the settings page. Look for the “General” section and click on “Security”. You’ll find your API key listed here.
  2. Configure Overserr: In Overserr, navigate to the settings page by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen. Under the “Connect” tab, you’ll find options to connect with Sonarr and Radarr.
  3. Add Sonarr and Radarr: To connect Overserr with Sonarr, click on the “Add Sonarr” button and enter the following information:
    • URL: This is the URL for your Sonarr installation, for example, “http://localhost:8989“.
    • API Key: This is the API key you retrieved in step 1.
    • Enabled: Check this box to enable Sonarr monitoring in Overserr.

    To connect Overserr with Radarr, click on the “Add Radarr” button and enter the following information:

    • URL: This is the URL for your Radarr installation, for example, “http://localhost:7878“.
    • API Key: This is the API key you retrieved in step 1.
    • Enabled: Check this box to enable Radarr monitoring in Overserr.

    Once you’ve entered this information, click the “Save” button.

  1. Configure Notifications: Overserr can send notifications for various events such as new releases, download failures, and more. To configure notifications, click on the “Notifications” tab in the settings page. Here, you can choose the type of notifications you want to receive, such as email or Pushover. You’ll need to provide the necessary information for each notification service you want to use.
  2. Add Movies and TV Shows: With Overserr connected to Sonarr and Radarr, you can start monitoring your media server libraries. To add a movie or TV show to Overserr, navigate to the “Movies” or “TV Shows” tab and click on the “Add Movie” or “Add TV Show” button. You can search for the title of the movie or TV show and select it from the search results. Overserr will automatically add the title to the list of monitored items.
  3. Monitor Your Libraries: Overserr will now start monitoring your Sonarr and Radarr libraries for new releases and download failures. You can view the status of each movie or TV show on the main Overserr dashboard. You’ll also receive notifications for any events you configured in step 4.

Alternative Installation Method:

If you don’t want to use Docker to install Overserr, you can also install it using the official documentation alternative methods.

Connecting Sonarr and Radarr is the same as the Docker installation method. Simply follow the steps outlined in the previous section to connect Overserr with Sonarr and Radarr.

In conclusion, Overserr is a powerful monitoring tool for your media server libraries. By connecting it with Sonarr and Radarr, you can keep track of new releases and download failures for your favorite movies and TV shows. The installation process is straightforward, and you can choose between using Docker or manually installing the application. With Overserr, you can ensure that your media server is running smoothly and always up-to-date.